Sponge factory sponge yellow causes and solutions?

Author: Yuanyuan Xiaobian Edit: Yuanyuan Xiaobian Source: 发布日期: 2020-3-2 浏览次数:736
Summary of information:
The characteristics of sponge production upstream and downstream, systematic analysis of spo...

The characteristics of sponge production upstream and downstream, systematic analysis of sponge yellow causes, and the corresponding solutions. What are the causes of the yellowing of sponges? Sponge factory editor told you the reasons are as follows:

1. During the foaming / processing of sponge, the thermal oxygen aging and yellowing caused by high temperature were observed;

2. Fumigation yellowing caused by exposure to nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the air;

3. Fabric pollution caused by sponge;

4. Yellowing caused by exposure to ultraviolet rays;

The following is the recommended solution for sponge yellowing:

1. High performance polyether without BHT and amine antioxidant was selected;

2. In order to further improve the yellowing resistance, it is necessary to:

(1) Improve the ability of sponge to resist yellowing by hot pressing

(2) Improve the anti UV yellowing ability of sponge after hot pressing

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